Tag Archives: Ice Bucket Challenge

David Lynch Wins the Ice Bucket Challenge

Okay, so the Ice Bucket Challenge is stupid. For one thing fresh water is a precious commodity, especially here in drought-stricken California. Also, the situation long ago jumped the shark beyond awareness of a good cause, and into the realm of navel-gazing-viral-for-viral’s-sake-narcissistic-attention-seeking-bullshit.

However, now that that’s out of the way, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching David Lynch’s contribution to the phenomenon. His video includes multiple soakings, a secret ingredient in the ice water, a trumpet performance of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, and is capped off perfectly by the unexpected geopolitically-minded challenge at the end.

So, congratulations David Lynch, your surreal mind has melted my icy heart. You officially win the Ice Bucket Challenge.

And while I’m giving props to Ice-Bucketers, I will award runner-up status to both Patrick Stewart,

and this bit of gold right here:

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge done right.

Well done Internet. You have made me proud.