Category Archives: Random

Trying not to get burned in ’21

Well alright then, it looks like we were dealt Blackjack this time ’round the sun. So far so good with 2021, but it’s only been a day eh? I mean I can’t imagine it could be worse than 2020, but well, God help us if it is.

Last night the family rang in the new year quietly at home. It was a nice evening all around, and as you can see by the image of one of the boys above, we did a bit of sparkler-based celebrating.

However, the video below shows twin #2 also enjoying his sparklers, up until the moment he knocks a spark onto his own face. Mom laughing at the end is the icing on the cake.

One final burn from 2020. Good riddance!

It’s Getting Drafty in Here

It’s that time of year. School is back in session; the weather in the Bay Area turns toward Indian Summer, and countless dudes (and some lady-dudes) sit around their computers selecting NFL players for their fantasy football teams.

Going into a fantasy football draft is often the best part of the football season. Opportunities are limitless. Most managers, of most teams, in most leagues, have a very real chance of walking out of their drafts with a playoff-caliber team.

Most years I spend an embarrassing amount of time crafting a spreadsheet, ranking players, color-coding tiers, highlighting sleepers, noting lopsided strength of schedules, etc. It’s crazy. And also, it doesn’t work.

So much of fantasy football is luck-driven that I’m simplifying things greatly this year. For one thing, I’m all about the Colts QB. I mean, luck-driven…am I right???

Seriously though, I have simplified my strategy. I’ve pre-ranked my players based on a single source, and I’ll have a few notes to look at during the draft. Mostly though, I’m going to just eat pizza, drink beer, and relish the sense of opportunity for my team: Crimea River. Get it?

Vladimir Putin riding a bear, because Internet

What is problem?